Sistema Puglia - Il portale per lo sviluppo e la promozione del territorio e delle imprese - Regione Puglia - Assessorato allo Sviluppo Economico

Strawberries - Offerte lavoro EURES

Picking strawberries is done in the open air or in a greenhouse.
In the open air, picking is done on the ground.
In a greenhouse, picking often takes place at a height of 1.7 metres.

There is a high concentration of strawberry cultivation in the province of Limburg, in Noorderkempen (Hoogstraten region). Strawberries are also grown in West and East Flanders.

The essence of the work is to harvest the fruits without damaging them. It is important to recognise ripe fruits and pick them.
The picked fruit should be placed in a box.
It is very important to carefully follow the producer's instructions!

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Data Pubblicazione sul portale: 13 Maggio 2022
Aree Tematiche: Sistema Puglia
Redazione: Redazione Sistema Puglia
Scaricato: 79 volte

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