Sistema Puglia - Il portale per lo sviluppo e la promozione del territorio e delle imprese - Regione Puglia - Assessorato allo Sviluppo Economico

Carlo Pettinelli

Direttore, Direzione Crescita sostenibile e UE 2020, DG Imprese e Industria, Commissione Europea / Director, Directorate Sustainable Growth and EU 2020, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission

Immagine associata al documento: BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF CARLO PETTINELLI
Carlo Pettinelli is an official of the European Commission. He holds a University degree (Laurea) in Economy and Business Administration and is a Chartered Accountant (Dottore Commercialista), Certified Professional Auditor (Revisore contabile) and Certified Forensic Auditor. After several years of professional experience in the private sector, in Italy and abroad, he joined the European Court of Auditors in 1994. In 1998 he moved to the European Commission where, dealing with different tasks, he worked in the Directorates-General for Competition, Audit, Education & Culture and Employment & Social Affairs, where he has been appointed Director. Carlo Pettinelli joined the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry in February 2011. Since 1st October 2012 he is responsible for "Sustainable Growth and EU 2020" (Directorate ENTR.B). He is in charge of the Construction Industry, Ecodesign legislation and Mobility industries (motor vehicles) as well as of Innovation policy for enterprises, the analysis of competitiveness for enterprises and the coordination of EU policies for standardisation, among other sectors.

Read the Biography    [Scarica  .pdf  - 280 Kb]      

Data Pubblicazione sul portale: 21 Agosto 2014
Aree Tematiche: Sistema Puglia
Redazione: Redazione Sistema Puglia
Scaricato: 2,359 volte
Letto: 71 volte

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