Sistema Puglia - Il portale per lo sviluppo e la promozione del territorio e delle imprese - Regione Puglia - Assessorato allo Sviluppo Economico

Waiter - Offerte di lavoro EURES - Germany

Immagine associata al documento: The Passion Plays depicting the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, were performed for the first time in Oberammergau in 1634. Today, almost 400 years later, the Oberammergau Passion Plays are internationally renowned and therefore attract visitors from all over the world every ten years. The next Passion Play will take place from 14 May to 2 October 2022. Especially for this period, but also beyond, several employers in this region need qualified staff in the hotel and catering sector. You can find more information about this here: Therefore the Federal Employment Agency Weilheim ( has launched the "Passion ProAktiv". In cooperation with the International and Specialized Services (ZAV), they would like to attract skilled workers from abroad.
The Federal Employment Agency Weilheim also offers the opportunity to receive advice on career prospects and further training during or after your employment.
Use this model as a steppingstone for your professional career in Germany and apply now as a Waiter (m/f/d)

Download the Document    [Scarica  .pdf  - 561 Kb]      

Data Pubblicazione sul portale: 20 Dicembre 2021
Fonte: Servizio Eures – Regione Puglia ARPAL
Aree Tematiche: Opportunità di Lavoro Eures, Politiche per lo Sviluppo, Sistema Puglia
Redazione: Redazione Sistema Puglia
Scaricato: 120 volte
Letto: 92 volte

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