Sistema Puglia - Il portale per lo sviluppo e la promozione del territorio e delle imprese - Regione Puglia - Assessorato allo Sviluppo Economico

TECNONIDI - Information sheet

Immagine associata al documento: Type of incentive
The TECNONIDI instrument is part of a range of flexible business incentive schemes, designed to facilitate new business investments, available from the Apulia Regional Government, through the regional in-house agency Puglia Sviluppo.
TECNONIDI represents a regional grants scheme, designed specifically for technological start-ups and small-sized innovative enterprises, intending to set-up and/or develop investment plans in high-tech sectors in Apulia, aimed at introducing new business solutions or services by exploiting research results and knowledge acquired from the public and private research institutes, in the specific areas of innovation identified by the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy.

Types of eligible investments
TECNONIDI supports investment projects for small-sized innovative enterprises located within the region of Apulia, which have been newly set-up or have been operating for a maximum of five years, as shown by the registration in the Italian Business Register, aimed at the following types of investment initiative:
  • setting up a new business unit;
  • expanding an existing business unit.
Investment limits
Funding is available for investment projects with overall eligible expenditure falling within the range between 25,000.00 and 350,000.00 euros, of which maximum 250,000.00 euros for investment costs and maximum 100,000.00 euros for operating costs.

Who can apply: beneficiaries
    1. a company which is effectively set-up and registered in the national Innovative Start-ups Register (established by national Decree no. 179 of 18/10/2012, converted into Law n. 221 of 18/12/2012);
    2. a company which has sustained R&D costs totalling at least 10% of overall operating costs in at least one of the three financial years preceding the award of the grant or, in the case of start-ups without accounts for previous financial years, 10% of overall operating costs in the revised accounts for the current financial year, as certified by an external auditor. Alternatively, the company should be able to demonstrate, by means of an independent assessment to be carried out by an external expert, that its R&D activities will lead to the development of new products, services or processes, in the near future, that represent a significant breakthrough compared to the state of the art in the business sector and that involve high levels of business risk;
    3. a company that has been awarded the "Seal of Excellence", under the European Commission pilot Initiative "Horizon 2020" SME Instrument Programme.
Eligible sectors
The proposed investment projects must be related to one of the following areas of innovation:
    1. Sustainable manufacturing: Aerospace; Capital goods; Transport; Other manufacturing sectors (e.g. textiles and clothing, furniture, chemicals);
    2. Human wellbeing and environmental health: Agri-food; Environment; Sustainable energy; Pharmaceuticals; Medical and healthcare;
    3. Digital, creative and inclusive communities: Creative industries, Social innovation.
A full list of the eligible ATECO economic activity codes is available on the following website:

Read more and Download the entire Document    [Scarica  .pdf  - 141 Kb]      

Data Pubblicazione sul portale: 24 Agosto 2018
Aree Tematiche: Sistema Puglia, Politiche per lo Sviluppo, TecnoNidi
Redazione: Redazione Sistema Puglia
Scaricato: 627 volte
Letto: 1,338 volte

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