Sistema Puglia - Il portale per lo sviluppo e la promozione del territorio e delle imprese - Regione Puglia - Assessorato allo Sviluppo Economico

Eures Europa - ricerca personale - Teacher of ICT/Computer Studies, Malta

Immagine associata al documento: Number of Posts: One

Contract Type: Indefinite

Job description

Duties of Teacher (as per San Anton School Collective Agreement)
A full time teacher has the following working load and receives a yearly teacher's allowance to cover any class teacher or extra duties deemed to be necessary for the effective and efficient running of the school.
i. Junior Sector: A contact period of 21 hours and 45 minutes per week (in June 20 hours per week) averaged out over a period of 1 term, plus a maximum of 1 hour and 30 minutes of planning sessions.
ii. Senior Sector: A contact period of 16 hours per week (in June 10 hours per week), plus a maximum of 1 hour and 20 minutes planning sessions, and a maximum of 1 hour 20 minutes of replacements per week.
Provided that where teachers are remunerated for any lessons delivered in excess of the aforementioned 16 hours of contact time per week, the maximum 1 hour 20 minutes replacement lesson load remains unaltered. [...]

Download the Offer    [Scarica  .pdf  - 276 Kb]      

Data Pubblicazione sul portale: 16 Giugno 2020
Fonte: Servizio Eures – Regione Puglia ARPAL
Aree Tematiche: Sistema Puglia, Opportunità di Lavoro Eures, EURES - Offerte di Lavoro Eures Europa, Politiche per lo Sviluppo
Redazione: Redazione Sistema Puglia
Scaricato: 294 volte
Letto: 336 volte

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