AEC, Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen, Brussels-based,
https://www.aec-music.eu/ is urgently seeking
1 Project and membership management Trainee
Description of AEC
The European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), founded in 1953, is the leading voice for higher music education
(HME) in Europe, representing a dynamic European cultural and educational network with almost 300 institutions for
professional music training in 55 countries (conservatoires, music academies and universities, musikhochschulen,
As leading voice for HME AEC sees professionally focused arts education as a quest for excellence in three areas:
artistic practice; learning and teaching; research and innovation. It seeks to foster these elements and to encourage
the diversity and dynamism with which they are pursued in different institutions, countries and regions through the
organization of European projects, congresses and seminars, exchanges, research and by representing the interests of
its members on European, national and international level.[..]
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