Article II - Investment aid for SMEs - Information sheet -

Immagine associata al documento: Article II - Investment aid for SMEs - Information sheet - Type of incentive
Article II - Investment aid for SMEs is part of a range of flexible investment schemes, designed to facilitate new business investments, available from the Apulia Regional Government, through the regional in-house agency Puglia Sviluppo.
Article II - Investment aid for SMEs represents a grant scheme, directed to the local SMEs and micro enterprises, which supports business investments in numerous sectors, aimed at contributing to the consolidation or creation of new production units in the region.

Types of eligible investments
Article II - Investment aid for SMEs supports investment projects for existing businesses already located in Apulia or for new businesses to be located within the region, aimed at the following types of initiative:
  • the creation of a new production unit;
  • the expansion of an existing production unit;
  • diversification of the output of an establishment to get products ever made previously;
  • the fundamental change in the overall production process of an existing production unit.

Who can apply: beneficiaries
Who can apply: beneficiaries
  • Medium-sized enterprises (a medium-sized enterprise is a company which employs at least 50 employees or which produces an annual turnover of less than 50 million Euros);
  • Small-sized enterprises (a small enterprise is a company which employs less than 50 employees or which produces an annual turnover of less than 10 million Euros)
  • Micro enterprises (a micro enterprise is a company which employs less than 10 employees or which produces an annual turnover of less than 2 million Euros); [...]

Eligible business sectors
The following categories of enterprises are eligible:
  • craft enterprises, including cooperatives or consortiums, registered in the special Registers established by the Law 443/85 (framework law on craft enterprises);
  • enterprises carrying out investment programmes in the retail sector:
    • shops for retail and wholesale classified as "neighbourhood businesses" (stores with a sales area not exceeding 250 square meters);
    • shops for retail and wholesale classified as M1. Medium local level structures with sales area from 251 to 600 square meters (Regional Law n. 11/2003);
    • shops for retail and wholesale classified as M2. Medium local level structures with a sales area from 601 to 1,500 square meters ( Regional Law n. 11/2003);
    • food preparation services referred to group "56" of the "Classification of Economic Activities ATECO 2007", with the exception of the categories "56.10.4" and "56.10.5";
    • e-commerce activities; for e-commerce refers to the 'the purchase of goods in the name and on their own and their resale - conducted through the internet, through the' use of a portal or web site (e-commerce).
  • Section C (ATECO - Classification of economic activity code): businesses, not recorded in the in the special Registers established by the Law 443/85, which realize investments within the manufacturing sector;
  • Section F (ATECO - Classification of economic activity code): construction sector
  • Section J (ATECO - Classification of economic activity code): communication and information activities sector
  • Section Q (ATECO - Classification of economic activity code): Health and social care
Types of eligible investments
  • Purchase of land (max. 10% of overall investment in “tangible assets”);
  • construction works and similar;
  • purchase of new plant machinery, equipment and installations, in addition to commercial vehicles strictly necessary for the production cycle or for the transport of goods in special storage conditions. For enterprises in the transport sector, costs related to the purchase of transport equipment are not eligible, whereas costs related to the purchase of vehicles are eligible only in the case passenger transport;
  • investments designed to improve risk prevention measures and health and safety in the workplace.

In the case of property purchases, only the costs of buying from third parties are eligible, provided the transaction was made under market conditions. Engineering studies and works management are eligible for up to 5% of overall expenditure for construction works and similar.
Level of funding
Funding is available for investment projects of minimum 30,000 Euro. Funding is available as set out below:
  • up to 35% for medium-sized enterprises;
  • up to 45% for micro and small enterprises.
Funding levels are calculated on the overall interest payments of agreed bank loans, irrespective of the overall investment budget, on maximum loan values of:
  • 4,000,000 Euros for medium–sized enterprises;
  • 2,000,000 Euros for small and micro-enterprises.
Additional funding is available on investments in new machinery and equipment for a maximum of 20% of the eligible costs, for a total of up to:
  • 800,000 Euros for medium–sized enterprises;
  • 400,000 Euros for small and micro-enterprises.
Regulatory reference
Regional Regulation n. 17 /2014 of 30/09/2016 How to apply
Applications must be submitted electronically, in Italian, through an accreditated bank of institution, following the procedures indicated in the specific section “Titolo II Capo 3” (Article II – Investment aid for SMEs ) of the website

Additional information
Additional information is available on the following websites: -
or by contacting
Puglia Sviluppo SpA
Via delle Dalie, Zona Industriale Modugno (BA)
Tel: +39 080 5498811 - E-mail:

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Data Pubblicazione sul portale: 17 Febbraio 2017
Aree Tematiche: Sistema Puglia
Redazione: Redazione Sistema Puglia
Scaricato: 655 volte
Letto: 2,307 volte